December 2020 SEO Marketing Update

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The facts about the recent SEO marketing update

The December SEO update was global, and it was not relevant to any country, language, or website segment. It’s a classic “broad-core update” that google publishes every few months or so. This scenario was the longest stretch since the confirmed large core upgrade took just seven months, compared to the usual three-month period. This is the third primary algorithm to change the calendar year. A decent amount of time has elapsed since the last core update, relative to the average time for all update forms.

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Previous updates on SEO

The most recent major update was the may 2020 core update, a major and thorough change that took a few weeks to carry out before the January 2020 key release completely. The one before that was a big upgrade in September 2019. The change seems poorer for many CEOs and webmasters, as many said it didn’t have the same effect as previous core updates. Google also released an update in November, but it was unique to local rankings.

December 2020 SEO marketing update

This is a major one. By obtaining data from various search data firms, all of which indicate that this upgrade was comprehensive and significant. This update appears to slow down in terms of the variations that we’d expect with this update over time, with the largest improvements on Friday, December 4.

Organic traffic

There is no conversation inside the SEO industry about this change in both the online discussion groups and social media. Some SEO marketers reported that they missed more than 40% of their Google organic traffic, while others said they did better with this recent SEO marketing upgrade.

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The data match

There is some correlation with these data providers, but each data provider records various metrics, pages, and keyword sets. But that’s why there’s no perfect match.

What to do if you are hit

Google has provided advice on what to do if you have had a bad effect on the past’s core upgrade. There are no clear steps to restore, and in fact, poor scores do not signal something wrong with your websites. However, Google has produced a list of questions that need to be considered if the site is affected by a big upgrade. Google said you might see a recovery between the core changes, but the main shift you’d see will come after another core update.

Why we care!

It is always difficult to isolate what you need to do to undo any algorithmic hit your site might have seen. When it comes to google’s key changes, it’s much harder to do so. When this data and prior experience and guidance have taught us, these main changes are broad, wide, and cover many overall quality problems. But if a big upgrade has hit your site, don’t panic; we’re here to help you out. If you have any concerns about this, feel free to write in your comments.

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December 2020 search engine marketing update

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